The Paper, titled “Nostalgia of the Occupied”, authored by Masoud Babaie, analyses the deep-seated sense of nostalgia and yearning for homeland that pervades literature, especially Kurdish literature. This longing, evident since ancient works like Homer’s Odyssey, is a significant theme in Kurdish narratives. Ehmedê Xanî’s “Mem û Zîn” exemplifies the desire to preserve cultural identity through the Kurdish language and storytelling. These narratives go beyond mere geographical or temporal references, embodying a profound cultural and linguistic essence. For Kurds, nostalgic stories are a means to escape occupation and construct an alternative narrative identity, independent of the occupier’s influence. While nostalgia in Western societies is often viewed as backward or out of touch, for the occupied, it is a way to maintain their connection to homeland and culture, resisting foreign domination. Babaie’s paper underscores how Kurdish literature, with its themes of love, loyalty, and sacrifice, provides a rich cultural heritage resilient against oppressive forces.
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